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Ministry of Finance

Egyption Customs Authority

Breaking news a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a اجتماعات مجموعه العشرين a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

About risk management:-

The Risk Administration was established for the first time in Egyptian Customs at the end of 2003 under the decision of the President of the Customs Authority No. 71 in 2003 as one of the departments that follow the General Administration to combat smuggling and was formed by individuals working in the General Administration to combat smuggling because of their experience in monitoring cases of violations and lack of commitment to the law

Then the work developed until the organizational structure of the customs authority was modified in 2006 and the risk management became a general administration that follows the central administration to facilitate trade in the commercial commitment sector.

In light of the modern global economic system and the challenges facing customs interests, there is an urgent need for the use of the risk system in all areas of work, especially in customs work and the application of the "'smart observations" system in which the risks are applied.


Risk management Role:

The role of customs is no longer limited to collecting taxes and fees only, but also has become a balance between facilities that are granted to customers on the one hand and the oversight imposed by customs on the other hand, which is to adhere to laws and legislation, it is always assumed that when the facilitation increases, the rate is decreased Control rulings, and similarly when there are provisions in control, the rate of facilitation is less, and the balance between facilitation and control is achieved by effective application of the principles of risk management.

And that is by:

First: Facilitating the release of the consignments of importers and exporters known to adhere to the law.

Second: Choosing consignments to inspect from among those who suspect that they contain goods that represent a high degree of risk

Such as: commodities and goods that threaten public security, public morals, health, or outcome, and the severity of the risk can be determined by restricting the elements affecting the import process that is summarized in the following: the hidden goods (item, value, nature and description of the commodity) - origin - exporter - importer (smuggling precedents) - Shipping port - customs broker - release system - Submission System - Exemptions and Application Agreement Request - Purpose of Import Results - Post-Clearance Audit - News - Infringement of intellectual property - and all elements of the supply chain. 

The objective of risk management: 

closing the gap between the known and the unknown because the risk increases with lack of knowledge, if you can identify the risks that can occur or are likely to occur and you identify the means that can prevent the occurrence of these risks, this is what is simply known as "risk management".

 Release Tracks: 

Green Track: It is intended to release the goods directly without opening after paying the taxes and fees due, and the explicit rules and the required exhibitions are met.
In this case, it is satisfied with the apparent examination from the outside of containers and the safety of the seals.
Red Track:
Release the goods in accordance with the usual procedures of detection, investigation and inspection according to the prescribed proportions.
The containers or parcels are opened, the goods are inspected, and the description in the customs declaration is verified in relation to value, origin, item and fees. 

The release tracks can be multiple, as well as multiple degrees within the same track, for example, the "green track" is divided into several degrees (A/B/C/...). Ranging from non-physical inspection of goods, with documentary examination, to examination with X-ray devices.The "red track" can also be divided into several degrees (A/B/C/...). Ranging from revealing a percentage of the covered to revealing all or revealing everyone in the presence of a member of the Anti-Customs Smuggling Department.

Causes and types of inspection:

The inspection process depends on the type of goods and customs violations that are doubtful or potentially to verify the commitment to the law and to deter those who begged their souls lack of commitment


Compulsory inspection:

Customs determines certain types of commodities that are appointed mandatory, either by virtue of highly priority customs instructions, or according to laws or regulations explicitly stipulating the necessity of inspection.

Or according to instructions from other government agencies, or security requirements

These goods are high risk because they are subject to certain conditions for import. These conditions cannot be verified except with the actual preview of these goods.

- This inspection is either made by customs or by specialists from other government agencies, such as: imports control, food safety and security agencies.

Selective inspection: 

As it becomes clear from the name, the selective inspection is based on automatic selection criteria and the evaluation of the risks associated, for example, the commodity or the importer. Customs officers will also be available to see the instructions and warnings that determine goods and importers who are high risks.


And take into account the following criteria:
1- The criteria should be secret.

2- The criteria should be flexible, advanced and updated. That is, the standards can be reviewed and the degree of risk every period and periodically.

3_ Changing the criteria according to economic conditions and changes in the import and security aspects.

4_ The automatic applications allow the random selection to examine the declarations on which the standards of release of the green path apply.

5_ The criteria can vary according to the customs nature of each customs service.


- Random Inspection:

In mechanized sites, the automated system selects shipments for random inspection when entering the system declaration data, and the random consignmentst of customs allow the following to allow the following:

Encouraging the optional (voluntary) commitment: When importers realize that their goods will be inspected from time to time, their possibility will increase by collecting information and create records for importers whose goods can be selected for inspection.

- Hand rate inspection:

Customs officers decide to refer the shipment for inspection based on the information available to them at the time of examining the customs declaration.

If the documentary review shows the need for an actual inspection of the goods for the lack of sufficiency of documents, for example, or its lack of clarity, the track is raised from the green track to the red track for the purpose of inspection, which is called raising the track manually.

* The current administration has realized the importance of the participation of the commercial community, the business community, and all regulatory authorities related to the import process to maximize the added value of all the participating parties.

I worked on:

First: With regard to limiting the compulsory inspection, the administration is currently seeking to implement a common risk system to ensure a minimum limit to release the green track.

Second: With regard to limiting manual inspection, the administration has sought to open communication channels with the commercial community and the business community with the aim of raising awareness of the validity of the data that is included and completing all the necessary documents necessary to release the consignment received by 

Communication with risk management: 

At the headquarters of the General Administration of Risk Management Systems, Alexanderia, Building A3, fifth floor, inside Alexandria Port.

 Or through:

Facebook page to respond to inquiries:*mibextid=ZbWKwL

Or via EMAiL address:


Benefits of applying the risk system:

-The optimal use of available resources or the ability to work with lower resources.
- Directing resources for the areas that involve major risks.
- Increased flow of goods and internal investments.
- Raising the level of voluntary commitment to dealers.
- Documenting the relationship with the local and international business community.
- Use more intelligent curricula and make employment more professional for customs work.
- Support decision -making at all administrative levels.

In addition to the benefits that return to the business community, including:-

- Expedite the release of goods (reducing the time of release).

- Reducing customs intervention in trade to the minimum.-

- Reducing the cost of clearing goods.

- Increasing transparency between customs and dealers.

- Cooperation between customs and the business community is beneficial to both parties.