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Ministry of Finance

Egyption Customs Authority

Breaking news a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a اجتماعات مجموعه العشرين a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a



General Provisions



First: Definitions:


  • The law: Customs Law No. 207 of 2020 and its executive regulations issued by Minister of Finance Resolution No. 430 of 2021
  • Prohibited goods: are those that are not allowed to be imported or exported (such as: drugs - antiquities - weapons - atomic waste - pictures, magazines and obscene tapes (By morals...etc.)
  • Restricted goods: are those whose import or export is subject to certain restrictions from any party, as their entry or exit is not permitted unless they meet the required conditions.
  • Import for personal use: everything that a natural person imports to achieve a benefit for himself or his family. Of goods suitable in terms of quality and quantity for personal or family use and in a manner that does not bear the status of trade.
  • Import for private use: everything that is imported - for purposes other than trade or production - of capital assets, spare parts, promotional and advertising materials, and others, for use in a way that benefits the importer’s activity and is not For his person
  • Personal luggage: All items (new or used) that the passenger normally needs during his trip, taking into account all the circumstances surrounding the trip, excluding any imported or exported goods for commercial purposes, in addition to clothing, decorative supplies, and other items of a clearly personal nature. The following items shall be considered personal luggage for non-residents: personal jewelry - fixed and mobile cameras with a reasonable quantity of films, tapes and supplies - binoculars - portable devices for displaying slides and films and their supplies with a reasonable amount of slides or films - portable musical instruments - portable devices for sound broadcasting - including It includes tape recorders, CD players, dictation recorders with tapes, cylinders, and disks - cell phones or portable televisions - portable writing instruments - portable personal computers and their accessories - portable calculators - children's strollers - wheelchairs for the disabled - sports equipment.





Second: Conditions for applying personal use of incoming luggage, whether accompanied by a passenger or cargo:


1) It must be in the name of a natural person and not a legal entity.

2) It must be of the types that benefit the natural person or his family in terms of its quality and quantity in proportion to personal use.

3) It must not be imported in quantities that bear the status of trade.

4) For foreign persons, the imported items must be proportionate to the period of his residence within the Arab Republic of Egypt, as well as to the number of his family members present with him inside the country.

5) As for devices, they must be of the type for home or personal use.

6) It does not include items related to any activities such as: agricultural or insecticides and other similar items that are not for personal use.

7) Determining the status of personal use is a contract for the customs authorities, guided by the criteria of social status and frequency of visits to the customs port.

8) With regard to home furniture, the personal residence contract for it must be submitted, provided that the items contained are compatible with this residence.

9) With regard to finishing supplies and paints, a license from the competent authority must be submitted (building license, external finishing license, restoration and reinforcement license...etc.)

10) For car spare parts, a valid car license must be presented in the person’s name and issued by one of the traffic departments within the Arab Republic of Egypt, provided that these items are compatible with the type and model of the car for which the license is submitted.

11) For items that must be presented to the regulatory display authorities, they must be displayed with an explanation. The product is for personal use in accordance with the applicable instructions in this regard



Third: Examples of commonly received restricted goods and their customs treatment:


1) Mobile phones (up to five mobile phones) are exempt from fulfilling the regulatory offer - such as the National Telecommunications Facility - but the due fees are paid if the total value of what the passenger. possesses exceeds the exemption limit (15,000). EGP) and when it exceeds 5 phones, the regulatory supply bodies must be met.

2) Medicines (within the limits of personal use and supported by medical reports - and what exceeds that requires the fulfillment of the regulatory supply bodies - such as the Egyptian Medicine Authority).

3) Silver and gold jewelry (whatever exceeds personal use requires Compliance with the regulatory supply authorities - such as the stamp duty of jewelry and scales).

4) Area measuring devices (it is considered a private use and not a personal use because it brings a benefit to the activity of the person concerned and not to his person and his family and therefore the concept of. personal use does not apply to him - other than that it requires the fulfillment of the approvals of the regulatory supply authorities) Such as: the Authority of Stamping Jewelry and Scales).

5) Medical tools and devices (they are considered private use and not personal use and require approvals from the regulatory supply authorities (such as the Egyptian Medicine Authority).

6) Daggers and bladed weapons (require compliance with the regulatory supply authorities - such as: Public Security).

7) Optical glasses (requires compliance with regulatory authorities - such as the Ministry of Defence).

8) Radio-guided aircraft (requires compliance with regulatory authorities - such as the Ministry of Defense).

9) Electronic cigarettes (requires compliance with regulatory authorities - such as the General Authority for Export and Import Control).

10) Color printer (requires compliance with regulatory supply authorities - such as Public Funds Investigations for Counterfeiting and Counterfeiting).

11) Cosmetics (more than personal use requires compliance with regulatory supply authorities - such as the Egyptian Medicines Authority).

12) Veterinary medicines (requires compliance with regulatory supply authorities - Such as veterinary quarantine).

13) Dried wild horse and ivory (prohibited according to CITES and requires presentation to regulatory supply bodies - such as veterinary quarantine and the Ministry of Environment).

14) Military or camouflage clothing (requires compliance with regulatory supply bodies - such as the Ministry of Defense).

15) Agricultural seeds and pesticides Agricultural (requires compliance with regulatory supply authorities - such as the Ministry of Agriculture).

16) Natural hair extensions and wigs (requires compliance with regulatory supply authorities - such as quarantine).

  • Note: The aforementioned regulatory authorities are examples and are not limited to.


Exemptions and allowances


First: Tourists and passersby:

The personal luggage of the arriving tourist or passerby must not exceed the following:

1) Used personal clothing

2) All the cameras and other items that this group usually uses on their trips, whether new or used, as well as personal jewelery and jewellery. It is with him, provided that it is not for the purpose of trade.

3) Medicines if they are for personal use and according to what the competent regulatory authority estimates.

4) New items within a limit of fifteen thousand pounds, provided that they are not for the purpose of trade. Customs tax and other taxes and fees are collected in excess of the limit Exemption.

5) One cigarette cartridge (200 cigarettes), or 25 cigars, or 200 grams of smoke, and a liter of alcoholic beverages.

6) What is purchased for personal use from duty-free shops established within customs departments, within 48 hours of the passenger’s arrival, not exceeding an amount of 200 US dollars. Provided that the amount of alcoholic beverages he is allowed to purchase does not exceed a maximum of 3 liters, provided that he pays 1% of the customs tax due for the first and second liters and pays 25% of the customs tax due for the third liter, with a minimum of 13 dollars, Or its equivalent for every liter and 2 cigarette cartridges, He is allowed to replace only 1 liter of alcoholic beverages with one carton of beer, Anyone who has a private maritime passport and a private passport will be treated the same as one of the two passports, and in the event that a family member or All of them are for the exemption stipulated in this clause, The exemption limit is granted for each of them separately, and the value of the exemption may not be combined in one thing.

  • The exemption referred to in this article is granted in the event of repeated arrival not exceeding (4) times in one year, and on the condition that the passport holder is present in person in all cases. Customs duties and other taxes are collected in excess of the aforementioned exemption amount.


Second: For residents:

The departing person must prove the items of value if he wishes to return them to the country on the form prepared for that, and the departing person’s personal luggage upon his return must not exceed the following:

1) Personal luggage previously recorded upon departure on the aforementioned form.

2) New items intended for personal use, such as gifts, within a limit of fifteen thousand Egyptian pounds. Customs duties and other taxes and fees are collected on what exceeds the exemption limit.

3) One cigarette cartridge (200 cigarettes), 25 cigars, or 200 grams of smoke, and a liter of alcoholic beverages.

4) What is done? Purchasing it for personal use from the duty-free shops established within the customs offices in Egypt, within 48 hours of the passenger’s arrival, not to exceed the amount of 300 US dollars, provided that the amount he is allowed to purchase of types of alcoholic beverages does not exceed one liter and (2) cigarette cartridges, smoke, and Cologne, and he is allowed to replace a liter of spirits with one carton of beer, provided that he does not enjoy the exemption stipulated in the previous clause (No. 3) of this article. Customs taxes and other taxes and fees are collected in excess of the amount referred to in accordance with For the item with the highest category of purchased items.

  • the exemption referred to in this article is granted to the returnee not more than twice in one year, and on the condition that the passport holder is present in person in all cases, provided that anyone who has a sea passport and a private passport is treated the same as on one of the two passports, and in In the event that one or all of the family members are entitled to the prescribed exemption, the exemption limit will be granted to each of them separately, and it is not permissible to collect the value of the exemption in one thing.