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Ministry of Finance

Egyption Customs Authority

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Registration and Dealers

Dealers's register

 - In order to complete customs procedures and release imported or exported consignments, registration in the register of customs dealers shall be required, with the exception of what is received for personal use.

 - The General Director  of dealerrs Service may, if necessary, allow a temporary registration of the dealer until the completion of his registration documents in the dealer's register, provided that he submits the tax card, VAT registration certificate or the VAT registration position determination form (Form 8).

 *Conditions for registration in the dealer's register:

 To be registered in the register of dealers with the Authority, the documents shown in each of the following cases shall be submitted:

 A- Import for the purpose of trading:

 1- Tax card.

 2- Importers register card.

 3- VAT registration certificate or Form (8).

  1. Commercial register. 

 B- Import for the purpose of production:

  1. Tax card.

Top of Form

  1. A document issued by an official body proving industrial or service production activity or a needs card issued by the General Organization for Export and Import Control.

Bottom of Form

  1. VAT registration certificate or Form (8).
  2. Commercial register. 

C- Import for private use:

1.Tax card.

  1. VAT registration certificate or form (8).
  2. Commercial Register or a document issued by an official entity proving the activity.

D- Export:

  1. Tax card
  2. Evidence of registration in the exporters' register, except what is excluded by a special text.
  3. VAT registration certificate or Form (8).
  4.  Commercial registier   

E- Shipping agencies:

  1.  Tax card.
  2. ‌ Licensing of the Ministry of Transport or its agencies.
  3.  Value-added tax registration certificate or Form (8).
  4.  Cash insurance payment document (ten thousand pounds) with the central manifest.  
  5.  Commercial registier.      

 F- Commercial Agents and Brokers:

  1. Registration card in the register of commercial agents and brokers.
  2. Tax card.
  3.  VAT registration certificate or form (8).
  4.  commercial register. 

 G- Scientific Services Offices: 

  1. Registration card in the register of scientific offices and services.
  2. Tax card.
  3. VAT registration certificate or Form (8).
  4.  Commercial Register. 

H- Dealers within the port: 

(supply contractors - ship waste dealers - marine supply contractors - ship repair services - and other dealers within the port) 

  1. Tax card.
  2. VAT registration certificate or form (8).
  3. License to practice the profession or activity from the competent authority.
  4. Commercial Register. 

I- Import quota system for the free city in Port Said: 

  1. Tax card.
  2.  A document issued by the executive body of the free city in Port Said with the prescribed import quota.
  3.  Commercial Register. 

Change in customer registry data:

Each dealer should notify the authority in writing of any changes that occur in the registration data in the record of the dealers in the authority, in particular his address and documents listed in the registry, within a maximum month of change.  

Stopping the registration in the dealer's record:

The registration is suspended by the record of dealers with the authority in the following two cases:

If the dealer loses any condition of the registration in the registration, until the cause of the endowment is removed, at the request of the customs administrations or any competent official authority.
The dealer did not notify the authority of the changes that have occurred in his data and documents listed in the record during the deadline stipulated in Article (212) of these regulations. 

Canceling the registration in the dealer's record:

The dealer registration is canceled in the record of dealers with the authority in the following cases:

- If any condition is lost in the registration in the registration permanently based on a decision issued by a competent official authority.
- If the dealer requests the authority to cancel the registration of the record.
- The authority exported the decision to suspend or cancel the dealer notifying the authority of the reasons for stopping or canceling the registration of the record of dealers by e-mail or with a letter recommended with the knowledge of accessing the address shown in the dealers' record. 

Grievance against suspension or cancellation decisions 

- Grievance against decisions issued to suspend or cancel the registration in the register of dealers with the Authority may be appealed by a request submitted to the Director General of Customs concerned with s suspension or cancellation or his direct supervisor within sixty days from the date of notifying the customer. 

- The Authority shall study these grievances and notify the complainant of the result of deciding on his grievance no later than sixty days from the dealer's completion of the necessary papers to examine the grievance.